Friday, May 17, 2013

Pregnancy hair loss-does it normal?

Many new mothers will have such a feeling,more than a dozen serious pregnancy hair loss phenomenon,normal pregnancy and hair loss? What can cause pregnancy hair loss phenomenon? Here we are on this phenomenon parse want to be able to answer you women friends about pregnancy hair loss you this question.
In fact,most of the women in the postpartum pregnancy hair loss occurs,the causes of this phenomenon is caused because the women in the endocrine,so no need to worry when a female friend pregnancy hair loss,nor is there pregnancy hair loss you this question,as long as the calm in the face of the right treatment,we must be able to adjust this phenomenon over!
For hair loss,women have a Kaner - postpartum hair loss is difficult to escape. Pregnancy  hair loss is normal? Pregnancy hair loss is due to the female endocrine changes during  pregnancy, when the vast majority of hair in the growing season, the postnatal endocrine  mutation, a large number of hair into the telogen, plus nursing infants tired, nervous,  increased hair loss is a normal physiological phenomenon.
Postpartum hair loss,commonly known as postpartum hair loss,also known as medical delivery alopecia.According to statistics,about 35% -40% of women varying degrees of postpartum hair loss postpartum.Medical studies suggest that changes in estrogen levels before and after pregnancy, pregnant, due to an increase in the estrogen,hair loss slowed, the life expectancy of the hair, part of the hair will be "extended".After childbirth,estrogen  levels dropped to normal,they have "extended" hair "retired" and fall off.
Pregnancy hair loss phenomenon generally occurs between 2-6 months after delivery,the hair first black to yellow,then begins with 1/3 of the forehead hair began to fall,making the  hairline back,followed by the temples,and head the top of the hair fall off gradually, and  finally the entire hair sparse,yellow. Plus during pregnancy increased the demand for a variety of nutrients, if not add, after giving birth can cause a lack of that protein, calcium, zinc,B family of vitamins,this will also affect the normal growth and metabolism  of the hair, brown hair,easy to break and fall off. In addition,by the spirit of adverse  stimuli,can induce or aggravate postpartum hair loss.
Well,pregnancy hair loss normal? Modern medical research suggests that the phenomenon of  post-partum hair loss it is a physiological phenomenon, with maternal physiological changes,psychological factors and lifestyle have a certain relationship.Generally in about half a year after giving birth to stop on their own,so do not be too nervous.The cause of hair loss are as follows:
1,some experts believe: women during pregnancy body anterior lobe of the brain  adrenocorticotropic hormone and gonadotropin hypersecretion caused by adrenal cortex hormones and ovaries,the adrenal glands increase in estrogen,the results of the hair longer growing  season ,so the majority of pregnant women early can be varying degrees of hairy phenomenon. Late pregnancy estrogen in the body gradually increased,these hairs growing season as well as after childbirth large number of simultaneous enter the telogen phase,the proportion of  telogen hair follicles compensatory increase in a large number of hair loss.
2, pregnancy and lactation diet nutrition, pregnancy,pregnant women vomiting, anorexia and  malnutrition, is not conducive to the growth of hair.
Psychological factors, such as some women before and after childbirth,for various reasons,emotional instability or mental pressure, resulting in the body's metabolic disorders, lack  of nutrient supply induced hair hair loss.
In short,the majority of women in the postpartum hair loss occurs due to various reasons, but the majority of these are special times body functions caused by the adjustment, so we  need not worry about this,as long as you maintain a relaxed state of mind,I believe this  kinds pregnancy hair loss phenomenon can be curbed, we would not have a normal pregnancy hair loss do doubt!

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